Bonus Features

Photographing Friends During a Pandemic

While the United States is currently seeing a light at the end of the tunnel with the pandemic, children cannot currently get vaccinated, and we have yet to reach herd immunity, so masks will likely be in our futures in some way. Whether indoors only, or required for sports, masks create a whole new challenge when photographing children because you can’t see their expressions. In this behind the scenes section, you will see a playdate between our four children at the height of the pandemic when everyone was wearing masks. You’ll see how we overcome that and still get fun-filled dynamic pictures. This section also gives general tips for how to approach photographing playdates or other events where other children are present.

Update from the future (2024)- This section is no longer super relevant, but we are leaving it in case you are somewhere like a hospital or somewhere with a vulnerable population where masks are required in the future. It does cover how to photograph kids that are not your own at playdates, so don’t skip it!


In addition to teaching you how to edit, we include 6 presets to help you along the way. These are compatible with both Lightroom mobile, which can be used on any smart phone, and is free, as well as Lightroom desktop. There are 4 color and 2 black and white, with various tones and contrast levels. They have been tested in all sorts of lighting conditions and on all sorts of skin tones as well. They are a great jumping off point for any photo!

Making Home Videos with Your Phone

One of our favorite things to create in addition to still images, is home videos on our cell phones. We make them for all sorts of events from birthdays, to trips, to regular activities like strawberry picking. Tenley takes you along on her daughter’s birthday and shows you everything she does to make a successful video on your phone, from filming, to editing to music.

You can see some of the videos she creates here.

Does this sound right up your alley? Head over to the main page for more information on the Capturing Everyday Magic course, your guide to taking better pictures of your kids and getting in the frame.

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Apple Picking Photo Ideas

