How to Make Family Photos Fun!

There is a trend in the photography industry right now where everything is emotive and dark and moody and sexy. Family photos are emotional and brooding and the editing is intense. Here's the thing guys, there is so much beauty in that. SO MUCH. If that's your jam, awesome, but I am not the photographer for you.

Picking the right photographer is incredibly important. If you are looking for sweeping views with people tiny in the corner so you can hang that style of art on your walls, make sure that person has that in their portfolio. Could I create an image like that? Totally. Do I? Rarely. It doesn’t go with my workflow and I never consider it. What I do consider and think about constantly? How the heck do I get belly laughs out of every single person at this session, ideally at the same time. This may not even cross the mind of other photographers. When you go to look at a photographers’s profile, try to pick a few words that fit almost every picture.

For me? That word is joy.

My images are joyful. They are bright and true-to-color and, yes, sometimes a little sweet and soft, but mostly just bursting with joy. I want my families to come in and not have to worry. I want them to come to me and during our session remember what they love about each other. I want them to have so much fun that they go out to ice cream as a family after instead of stressing about bedtime. The best way to make family photos fun?

Care less.

I mean, yes, you will probably worry about outfits and locations and hair and make-up, but after that's done, just let it go. Don't worry about whether your kid is smiling or if they are following directions. Don't worry about how grumpy your husband was on the way there. Just let loose. I promise, I will do the rest.

The more you can lower the pressure on yourself and your family, the better your images will be. The best way to get that 'framer'? Let go and let me take over. I can guarantee that your kids will pick up on the stress. Drop your guard. Leave the bribes at home. Focus on the fun.

During your session, we will play games and snuggle and move and shake our butts off. I say “we” instead of just "you” because I will be dancing right along with you. I will probably even bust out my phone to play some music at full blast. My family sessions* are high energy with running, shaking, dancing, throwing and jumping. You will probably leave your session sweating a little from all the prompts I give you, and your kids will be telling you how much fun they had.

This family is actually the family of my personal photographer. I'll admit, I was terrified to photograph her, because she is crazy talented herself. However, she came with zero expectations. She let her boys run, and her husband grab her butt, and she laughed along the whole time. This is one of my very favorite sessions and it's not because the light was good (it was terrible, it was 11 am in bright sun), or because the location was stellar, but because they were having fun.

Are you located in Marin or San Francisco in the Bay Area and want a joy-filled session? I am an expert in how to make family photos fun and I’ve freaking got you!

*Note that I said family sessions here. My newborn sessions and maternity sessions without other kids are a lot more chill. I still make adults move and shake a little, but I generally try to match the energy of the family I’m photographing. It just so happens that I photograph a LOT of kids, and kids like fun!


Fun Family Photos at Home


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